Candida problems? Together we make them easier
Candida (lat. Candida albicans) is a type of fungus that is harmlessly present in small amounts in the mouth and intestines of all people. However, problems arise if candida multiplies too quickly and uncontrollably and enters the bloodstream, where it can spread throughout the body. Most often, symptoms such as fatigue, malaise, indigestion, white discharge, …
Why is zinc so important?
Health claims state that zinc plays a role in the functioning of the immune system, in the metabolism of proteins, fatty acids, carbohydrates, regulates the functioning of the glands, cares for healthy hair, nails and skin, plays a role in cognitive functions, etc. It also relieves cold symptoms, has an antioxidant effect that protects against …
Thyroid problems? How can we help each other?
The thyroid gland is a small endocrine gland located in the neck, just in front of the trachea. Its task is to take care of the correct consumption of oxygen, growth, development, good digestion, energy, the proper functioning of the heart, the absorption of calcium in the bones, and also regulates the correct body temperature. …
Stomach and intestinal problems | How and what?
Problems with the stomach and intestines are one of the most common health problems, as these are problems that, in severe or mild form, already plague more than 2/3 of the adult population, which is an extremely high number. The fact that these problems also occur in younger and younger people is also worrying. There …
Pain in muscles and joints
Today we will write a few words about muscle and joint pain, that is, a force of unpleasant problems that complicate our quality of life and prevent us from performing everyday tasks, even the most basic ones. Pain makes it difficult or prevents us to move, and lack of movement leads to new problems. Many …
Lung and respiratory problems | asthma, COPD, lung cancer
The most common problems we encounter are asthma, COPD – chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, bronchitis – i.e. inflammation of the mucous membranes of the bronchi, and problems after getting over pneumonia, problems with sighing or exhaling, and in recent years we have also noticed an alarming increase in lung cancer. But there are many people …
Lung and respiratory problems | asthma, COPD, lung cancer Read More »
The effect of trans fats on our body
Two types of trans fats are present in foods: Residues from previous productions are often used for refining, i.e. waste oil produced from the remains of previous presses, which are already depleted of useful substances. This type of oil also contains various undesirable substances and unpleasant odors, so it is refined before sale. During refining, …
Planet zdravja is the proud main sponsor of the event Song for you from the heart to the heart
We are pleased to announce that with the collected contributions and a donation from the Planet of Health, which was also the main sponsor of this event, the Pediatric Clinic of the University Clinical Center in Ljubljana was able to purchase a modern hematology analyzer, which will enable their laboratory experts to perform fast, reliable …
The lungs depend on the pancreas
It is good to know that the lungs are directly dependent on the pancreas. “That’s a fact. The Chinese have known this for several thousand years, but in our country ignorant people still laugh at what we say,” warned Igor Ogorevc, owner of the company AS AN, d. o. o., known for the Planet of …