10 things you need to know about our method.

Making claims that sound good but cannot be proven would be neither credible nor convincing.

The Planet zdravja method is extremely effective, but it does not work miracles.

Making claims that sound good but cannot be proven would be neither credible nor convincing. There are no miracle doctors. Your health is a serious matter. There is nothing mysterious about the Planet of Health method. The method requires effort. Contrary to the pharmaceutical industry, our method does not treat the symptoms, but looks at the causes. Therefore, if you are not willing to put in the effort (mainly dietary changes) and follow the method, you will not achieve convincing results. The healing process is done from within – by allowing the body to heal itself – and not from the outside. You need to allow your body to recover.

Once you push your body beyond its limits, there is no going back. In this case, you can recover with our therapy, but not 100%. Our method is a process and as such requires integrity. Every step must be respected in order to achieve results.

The planet of health is a help, not a healer.​

Our method is primarily based on the knowledge that our body can heal itself if it has not crossed the line. Planet Health helps people encourage their bodies to heal themselves. Our method works in the area of ​​organs and glands. It is completely based on the principle of feeding the organs and glands with substances that are lacking in order to achieve physical balance. When the body is in physical balance, it has the power to become resistant to disease.

Planet Health is not against modern medicine.

Unlike many holistic methods, we use all the knowledge of today’s medicine to develop more effective solutions to problems. Planet Health opposes official pharmacy because it is unnatural to the body, because it creates harmful unintended consequences, and because it mainly does not touch the causes, only the symptoms.

The reason we recognize modern medicine and science is because it helps us learn more about the functions of the body. Medical technology has advanced enormously and revealed to us new perspectives on how the body works. However, much is still unknown about the healing process. In reality, little is known about the true causes of the disease.

Thermoregulation of the body is the key to health.

Our body can be compared to an engine. The body is constantly burning and losing calories. Our body is made up of organic substances that react with each other. Some reactions release heat, while others require heat. Your body temperature is about 37°C. One of the first signs of illness is fever. An increase or decrease in temperature is an indicator of what is happening in the body. Today, scientists have perfected the measurement of changes and differences in body temperature. These changes and differences are a source of valuable information about the state of the organs and the functioning of the body. A healthy body must constantly heat up or cool down to maintain balance. With the help of precise measurements on the 5th body points, 130 parameters can be determined in a non-invasive way. It is good to know that a change in temperature can be the result of a chemical reaction (endothermic) or the cause of a chemical reaction (exothermic) in the body.

Natural substances are more effective than chemical substances.

The body understands and accepts natural (organic) substances. Synthetic substances are foreign and disturbing to the body and can cause adverse consequences. When you buy a pharmaceutical drug, you will always get a leaflet with side effects. If it’s there, it’s for a reason. These side effects can appear in different forms, depending on the physical condition. The body recognizes natural substances because they come from a biotic (living) source. Since the body is a biotic organism, it only understands biotic substances.

Thermoregulation is not homeopathy.

The difference between thermoregulation and homeopathy is very simple. Homeopathy relies on the consumption of small amounts of (unpleasant) toxins in order for the body to fight them. Homeopathy tends to make the body fight and thus become more resistant.

Thermoregulation is based on the principle of re-establishing thermal balance in the body by supplying nutrients that are most lacking in the body. This deficiency causes insufficiency of organs and glands, leading to disease. By supplying natural, body-friendly substances, the balance in the body is restored, which also forms natural resistance.

It can be argued that this is negative therapy against positive. Thermoregulation is designed to be faster and more efficient.

Changing your eating habits while thermoregulating won't make you hungry.

A vegetarian diet does not provide fewer calories compared to a non-vegetarian diet. It all depends on what we consume. Olive oil has the same amount of calories as butter. Only one fact is important for your body – the amount of calories. Calories determine the quality of fuel your body gets to burn. Changing your eating habits will increase the amount of nutrients your body receives. The reasons why it is difficult for people to change their own diet are in habits and tastes.

Synthetics and organics are not the same for your body.

Planet of Health uses only organic substances for thermoregulation. The reason is clear. Our body is a biotic (living) organism. Our body is made up of organic minerals and chemicals. Synthetic minerals and chemicals are not recognized by the body. Obviously, it is not enough that their chemical composition is the same. The body seems to recognize organic substances better. Therefore, substances originating from biotic organisms are easier to recognize and absorb without unwanted effects. On the contrary, synthetic substances cause confusion and unwanted effects in the body.

Using pharmaceutical products does not make people healthy.

Pharmaceutical products are manufactured to attack or mask symptoms. No experienced professional will tell you that a pharmaceutical product will cure you. It can only reduce your pain or mask the effects of an illness until the body can heal itself. Pharmaceutical products destroy cells, good and bad. If the medicine is well made, the side effects are less numerous. Use medication only if absolutely necessary. Only 20% of the drugs on the market actually help people.

We are working on health care supporting thermoregulation.

Thermoregulation is based on pure science and actually helps people restore their health. So it helps politicians save money. Everyone is interested, especially now, when public budgets are trying to introduce solutions that would be less expensive and more effective. Thermoregulation is not a black box. We know how it works and we can demonstrate why it works; the results are visible and verifiable. We believe that sooner or later healthcare will support thermoregulation. That is why we are founding members of the Association for Integrative Medicine of Slovenia.

zemlja zdravja

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