OIL 77

35,37  with VAT


Oil 77 is a food supplement. A nutritional supplement is not a substitute for a balanced and varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.

Ingredients: Natural, unrefined, unfiltered, cold-pressed sesame oil, eucalyptus leaf essential oil*, thyme essential oil.
* Eucalyptus essential oil relaxes the respiratory tract.

Allergen information: the product contains sesame. The product contains limonene.

Recommended daily amount and instructions for use: take one attached teaspoon (2.5 ml) 3 times a day 15 minutes before meals. The recommended daily amount (7.5 ml) contains 7.31 ml of sesame oil, 0.15 ml of essential oil of eucalyptus leaves, 0.037 ml of essential oil of thyme.The recommended daily amount should not be exceeded.

Store at room temperature. Do not expose to direct sunlight. Keep out of the reach of children!


Made in Slovenia. The place of origin of the basic ingredient is not the same as the country of origin.
Sales: AS AN d.o.o., Celovška cesta 69c, 1000 Ljubljana


100 ml

Priporočena uporaba

Priporočamo uživanje 10-krat na dan po pol čajne žličke (1 ml). Olje 77 pijemo na opisan način 10 dni zapored. Nadaljujemo z uživanjem 2-krat dnevno po eno čajno žličko (2 ml).

Hranjenje izdelka

Olje 77 hranite v suhem prostoru, pri sobni temperaturi, do +25 °C. Ne izpostavljajte direktni sončni svetlobi ali temperaturi nad 38 stopinj C.

Olje 77 pri temperaturah nižjih od sobne temperature kristalizira, kar ni razlog za reklamacijo. V tem primeru ga segrejte na sobno temperaturo.


Hladno stiskano sezamovo olje, eterično olje evkaliptusa, eterično olje timijana


5 x zaporedoma popijte po 1 ml, 2 x na dan. Dodatno 1 x na dan namažite olje na kožo nadlakti.

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