28,57  with VAT

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SKU: 3830039532367 Category:

One of the biggest issues of today’s time is various inflammations in the body and on the skin. Inflammations can be caused by excessive use of antibiotics, incorrect dietary habits, exposure to various radiations, and excessive exposure to heavy metals. Inflammations in the body can also be caused by strong, excessive emotions such as anger, fear, envy. The consequence of all these factors or just one of them can disrupt our health. Oil 2 is an excellent blend of natural, soothing ingredients.

Oil 2 is a dietary supplement.


Ingredients: Cold-pressed linseed oil, oregano essential oil.

Recommended use: We recommend taking one teaspoon (2 ml) 3 times a day.


100 ml

Priporočena uporaba

Priporočamo uživanje 3-krat na dan po eno čajno žličko (2 ml).

Hranjenje izdelka

Olje 2 hranite v suhem prostoru, pri sobni temperaturi, do +25 °C. Ne izpostavljajte direktni sončni svetlobi ali temperaturi nad 38 stopinj C.

Olje 2 pri temperaturah nižjih od sobne temperature kristalizira, kar ni razlog za reklamacijo. V tem primeru ga segrejte na sobno temperaturo.


Naravno hladno stiskano nerafinirano laneno olje in eterično olje origana.

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